and Practices 2. Basic Issues of Evaluation Introduction:
Monitoring versus Evaluation Monitoring Setting Up Indicators within an M&E
Framework Operational Evaluation Quantitative versus Qualitative Impact Assessments
Quantitative Impact Assessment: Ex Post versus Ex Ante Impact Evaluations The
Problem of the Counterfactual Basic Theory of Impact Evaluation: The Problem of
Selection Bias different Evaluation Approaches to Ex Post Impact Evaluation Overview:
Designing and Implementing Impact Evaluations 3.
Randomization Setting the Counterfactual Statistical Design of
Randomization Calculating Treatment Effects Randomization in Evaluation Design:
Different Methods of Randomization Concerns with Randomization Randomized
Impact Evaluation in Practice Difficulties with Randomization 4.
Propensity Score Matching PSM and Its Practical Uses What Does PSM
Do? PSM Method in Theory Application of the PSM Method Critiquing the PSM
Method PSM and Regression-Based Methods 5.
Double Difference Addressing Selection Bias from a
Different Perspective: Using Differences as Counterfactual DD Method: Theory
and Application Advantages and Disadvantages of Using DD Alternative DD Models 6.
Instrumental Variable Estimation Two-Stage Least Squares Approach to IVs Concerns
with IVs Sources of IVs 7. Regression Discontinuity and Pipeline
Methods Regression
Discontinuity in Theory Advantages and Disadvantages of the RD Approach Pipeline
Comparisons 8. Measuring Distributional Program Effects,
Need to Examine Distributional Impacts of Programs Examining Heterogeneous
Program Impacts: Linear Regression Framework Quantile Regression Approaches Discussion:
Data Collection Issues 9. Using Economic Models to Evaluate
Policies Structural
versus Reduced-Form Approaches Modeling the Effects of Policies Assessing the
Effects of Policies in a Macroeconomic Framework Modeling Household Behavior in
the Case of a Single Treatment: Case Studies on School Subsidy Programs. Part 2 Stata Exercises 11.
Introduction to Stata Data Sets Used for Stata Exercises Beginning
Exercise: Introduction to Stata Working with Data Files: Looking at the Content
Changing Data Sets Combining Data Sets Working with .log and .do Files 12.
Randomized Impact Evaluation Impacts of Program Placement in Villages Impacts
of Program Participation Capturing Both Program Placement and Participation Impacts
of Program Participation in Program Villages Measuring Spillover Effects of
Microcredit Program Placement 13. Propensity Score Matching Technique Propensity
Score Equation: Satisfying the Balancing Property Average Treatment Effect
Using Nearest-Neighbor Matching Average Treatment Effect Using Stratifi cation
Matching Average Treatment Effect Using Radius Matching Average Treatment
Effect Using Kernel Matching Checking Robustness of Average Treatment Effect 14.
Double-Difference Method Simplest Implementation: Simple Comparison
Using “t test†Regression Implementation Checking Robustness of DD with
Fixed-Effects Regression Applying the DD Method in Cross-Sectional Data. Taking
into Account Initial Conditions The DD Method Combined with Propensity Score
Matching 15.
Instrumental Variable Method IV Implementation Using the “ivregâ€
Command Testing for Endogeneity: OLS versus IV IV Method for Binary Treatment: “treatregâ€
Command IV with Fixed Effects: Cross-Sectional Estimates IV with Fixed Effects:
Panel Estimates 16. Regression Discontinuity Design Impact
Estimation Using RD Implementation of Sharp Discontinuity Implementation of
Fuzzy Discontinuity
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