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Monopolization and Dominance Handbook


; American Bar Association


Libro - - A23


Second edition


[No definido]

Fecha Publicación



American Bar Association


[No definido]


Chapter I. Introduction A. The Economics of Monopolization B. Monopoly Power C. Monopolizing conduct D. Attempt and Conspiracy to Monopolize E. Enforcement and Remedies Chapter II The Economic Rationale for Antimonopoly Law and Policy A. Introduction to the Economic Concept of Market Power 1. Market Power and Efficiency 2. Additional Techniques to Determine Market Power 3. The Cellophane Fallacy in Defining Relevant Markets and Assessing Market Power B. Standard Economic Models Involving Market Power 1. The Static Model of Monopoly 2. Perfect Competition Markets 3. The Dominant Firm Model 4. Oligopoly and the Hoteling Model 5. Multi-Sided Platforms 6. The Static Monopsony Model C. Welfare Effects 1. Static Monopoly Welfare Effects 2. Static Monopsony Welfare Effects 3. Welfare Effects With Dynamic Considerations Chapter II. Monopoly Power A. Monopoly Power as a Legal Requirement 1. Monopolization 2. Attempt to Monopolize 3. Conspiracy to Monopolize B. Market Power v. Monopoly Power C. Determining Monopoly Power 1. Direct Evidence of Monopoly Power 2. Indirect Evidence of Monopoly Power D. Monopsony Power Chapter IV. Overview of the Monopolizing Conduct Requirements A. Development of the Section 2 Conduct Requirement 1. Differing Characterizations of Monopolizing Conduct 2. Historical Development of Alternative Formulations 3. Limited Role of “Intent†in Contemporary Section 2 Jurisprudence B. Standards for Evaluating Monopolizing Conduct 1. Policy Considerations 2. Analytical Framework for Section 2’s Conduct Element Chapter V. Specific Forms of Monopolizing Conduct A. Predatory Behavior 1. Predatory Pricing 2. Predatory Pricing in Other Jurisdictions 3. Cost—Price Squeeze 4. Predatory Buying B. Unilateral Refusal to DealCooperate with a CompetitorPotential Competitor 1. The Leading Cases 2. The Essential Facilities Doctrine 3. Refusal to License Intellectual Property 4. Refusal to Deal in Other Jurisdictions C. Exclusive Dealing 1. Coercion of Third Parties 2. Most Favored Nation Provisions 3. Exclusive Dealing in Other Jurisdictions D. Loyalty Discounts and Rebates 1. Leading Cases 2. Loyalty Discounts and Rebates in Other Jurisdictions E. Tying and Bundling 1. Tying 2. Bundling 3. Special Considerations with Technology Foreclosure 4, Other Jurisdictions F. Other Exclusionary Practices. 1. TortiousDisparaging Conduct 2. Promotional Payments 3. Improper Acquisition of Patents 4. Meritless Litigation and Related Practices 5. New Product Introduction“Product G. Standard Setting H. Monopoly Leveraging & Extension into Other Markets Chapter VI Attempt to Monopolize and Conspiracy to Monopolize A. Attempt to Monopolize 1. PredatoryAnticompetitive Conduct 2. Specific Intent 3. Dangerous Probability of Success 4. Relationship Between Nature of Alleged Conduct and Required Market Share  5. Other Market Characteristics Considered 6. Barriers to Entry 7. Strength and Capacity of Existing Competitors B. Conspiracy to monopolize 1 . Concern Action 2. Overt Act in Furtherance of the Conspiracy 3. Specific Intent to Monopolize C. Attempt Claims Outside the United States Chapter VII Enforcement and Remedies A. Public Enforcement Antitrust 1. Antitrust Division 2. Federal Trade Commission 3. State Enforcement 13. Private Actions C. Enforcement of Monopoly Issues Beyond the Sherman Act 1. Section 5 of the FTC Act 2. Laws Outside of the United States D. Remedies 1. Structural Remedies 2 Conduct Remedies 3. Classic Applications of Monopolization Enforcement 4. Remedies in Recent Monopolization Cases 5. Approach to Remedies Outside of the United States


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