DEVELOPMENTS IN INTERNATIONAL SEABORNE TRADE. World economic situation and prospects. World seaborne trade. Outlook. STRUCTURE, OWNERSHIP AND REGISTRATION OF THE WORLD FLEET. Structure of the world fleet. Ownership and operation of the world fleet. Container-ship deployment and liner shipping connectivity. Registration of ships. Shipbuilding, demolition and new orders. FREIGHT RATES AND MARITIME TRANSPORT COSTS. Freight rates. Some relevant developments in shipping finance: Private equity expansion. PORT DEVELOPMENTS. Port throughput. Terminal operations. Port related developments. Some current challenges facing ports. Conclusions. LEGAL ISSUES AND REGULATORY DEVELOPMENTS. important developments in transport law. Regulatory developments relating to me reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping and other environmental issues. Other legal and regulatory developments affecting transportation. Status of conventions. International agreements on trade facilitation. MARITIME TRANSPORT IN SMALL ISLAND DEVELOPING STATES. Introduction. Remoteness from global shipping networks. Shipping services of small island developing states. Transport costs in small island developing states. Liner shipping connectivity. Disaster-risk reduction and climate-change adaptation. The way forward