CAPACITY BUILDING AND COMPETITION POLICY IMPLEMENTATION WG Presentations: The Challenges Facing Competition Authorities in Developing Countries: a Business Perspective Richard Chance, SABMiller plc 2. The Standing of the Competition Administrative Authorities - the Judiciary in Brazil Carlos Emmanuel Joppert Ragazzo, Brazil Secretariat of Economic Monitoring 3. Institutional Foundations for Competition Policy William E. Kovacic, US FTC 4. Lessons Learned in the Delivery of Technical Assistance: The United States Experience Russell W. Damtoft, US FTC II. Work Plan 1 . Revised Draft Work Plan (10 June 2003) of the Capacity Building and Competition Policy Implementation Working group. OPERATIONAL FRAMEWORK WORKING GROUP 1. Amended Operational Framework Confidential document to be distributed to ICN members only 2. Presentation Alberto Heimler, Italian Competition Authority Chris Martin, Canadian Competition Bureau. ADVOCACY WORKING GROUP I Model Advocacy Provisions session 1. Advocacy Provisions Report II. Sectoral Studies session 1. Report prepared by the subgroup n°3 : case studies III. Presentations 1. Competition Advocacy: Whose voices will be heard? Ian S. Forrester, Q.C, White & Case (Brussels). MERGER REVIEW WORKING GROUP. I. Notification & Procedures session 1. Guiding Principles for Merger Notification & Review 2. Recommended Practices for Merger Notification Procedures 3. Surveying the time and costs of multi-jurisdictional merger review Tom Hoehn, PriceWaterhouseCoopers II. Investigative Techniques session 1. Report on Investigative Techniques (Compendium of Investigative Tools) 2. Developing Reliable Evidence 3. The Role of Economists and Economic Data 4. Staff contact list III. Analytical Framework session 1. Analysis of Merger Guidelines an Overview 2. Market Definition 3. Unilateral effects 4. Coordinated effects 5. Barriers to entry and expansion 6. Efficiencies IV. Future work plan panel 1. 2003-2004 Merger Review Working Group work plansÂ