Trade facilitation in UNCTAD. Goals and methodology. Moving ahead at a variable speed: Level of implementation of trade facilitation in developing countries. Linking thc implementation and a country’s level of development. Identifying dic major non-implemented arcas. Identifving dic main reasons for non-implementation. Conelusions chapter 1. Getting ready to move forward: Implementation priorities and time and financial requirements. Identifying the trade facilitation implementation priorities. Estimating implementation times. Asscssing the implementation costs. Getting the right assistance: Expressed needs for special and differential treatment. Measures expected to be included in requests for special and differential treatment. Needs and priorides in terms of wchnical assistancc and capacity-building. Use of specific implementation tools: Customs automations systems and
national trade facilitation committees. Trade facilitadon and customs automation systems. The role and impaet of dic nadonal trade faeilitadon eommittees. List of tracle facilitadon measures covered in dic report. List of countries covered in the report